2020 Noël Commercial Madness!!

Here is info and the link to purchase the 2020 Noël Commercial Madness

Et voilà ! The 2020 edition of the Noël Commercial Madness! This edition contains 8 commercials with activities to make each commercial comprehensible such as readings, image sequence, writing activity, graphic novels (comic strips), transcripts, matching, and more. It has links to Kahoot games, Gimkit, Quizlet, Edpuzzle, TeachVid activities, Blooket games, screenshot slideshows, and a few links/images to dig further.

For virtual and hybrid teaching situations, I have created several virtual activities for each commercial than can be used asynchronously. I also put all of the activities, links, screenshots, and commercials in a Google slideshow.

Activities: You do not have to do all of the activities for each commercial. There are several to choose from so do the ones that you like and the ones that your students will enjoy. I usually will do one activity for each commercial during the first round. Then, I will do an additional activity for each commercial that moves on.

Here is the Youtube playlist of all of the commercials in the 2020 edition:

Here are links to the previous Noël Commercial Madness and to a post that contains possible extension activities:

2019 Noël Commercial Madness

Extensions/Overview of Commercial Madness

There are some really great commercials in the 2020 edition. I hope you and your students enjoy the Noël Madness!!


    • The time length can be flexible, depending on how in depth you go. You can spend anywhere from 10 minutes up to 60 minutes per class period on it. I am starting it this week and we won’t finish until Dec. 22nd. We work on it each class period.

  1. LOVE it as usual!!!! I made my own bracket because I have used the same look for the last 3 years– and I have the same students year after year– They recognize what’s about to happen and they are excited!!!
    These are great commercials! Thank you for sharing!

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